Free MSU Academic Technology Tools, A-Z and by Use Case
- Camtasia – Camtasia provides faculty with the ability to create, edit, and upload their screen recordings or presentations. This helps students navigate their online courses, provide assignment feedback, and more.
- Camtasia allows you to capture your screen as a recorded video, edit your captured videos, and create quizzes for your classes.
- Camtasia is ideal for capturing your lectures when teaching online, as it allows students to access content and review it as they need.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2022.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.
- CATME – The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) is a web-based program designed for use in higher education to promote SMARTER Teamwork among teams.
- Enter your institution as Michigan State University
- Crowdmark – Crowdmark is an online collaborative grading platform that allows for grading of a number of different assessment types, integrates with D2L, and provides robust analytics.
- Desire2Learn – Desire2Learn is the centrally supported campus learning management system. You can teach online courses and workshops, set up communities and workgroups, facilitate discussion, and more.
- One of the most important steps to take to ensure classes can continue online is to activate your course in D2L.
- Log into D2Land click “View All Courses” under the “My Courses” section.
- Select the course and then click “Course Admin” from the menu.
- Select “Course Offering Information,” check the box “Course is Active,” and save.
- MSU sets up every credit-bearing course section at MSU in D2L each semester and enrolls all students.
- D2L is recommended as a place to add your syllabus, readings, and engage with your students online.
- To access a course template, template for your D2L course, contact the DigitalX team through the help desk.
- For a brief walkthrough of the D2L interface and how to get started, view this overview video.
- For further D2L training and resources, visit:
- Digital Desk – Instructors can use the DigitalDesk assessment system for grade-keeping, test and item analysis, and feedback to students. MSU funds DigitalDesk services for MSU courses.
- Eli Review – Evidence-based writing instruction platform that facilitates peer review and revision based on faculty-configured assignments.
- Google Classroom – Create and collect assignments. Collaborate on discussion boards. Also includes Drive folders for each assignment.
- Google Drive – Store, create, and share files, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Collaborate in real time.
- Google Sites
Gradescope– Design and deliver assessments via the Gradescope D2L integration. Gradescope allows for the creation of problems and problem sets, projects, worksheets, quizzes, exams, and more.
- iClicker Cloud / iClicker Student – iClicker Student and iClicker Cloud allow students to participate in both live and asynchronous student response polling using a mobile device, tablet, or laptop. iClicker Student and Cloud work in both classrooms and virtual spaces.
- NOTE: When configuring iClicker Cloud or iClicker Student, you must use “Michigan State University” for institution to avoid being charged.
- Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker Cloud
- Using iClicker for Remote Instruction
- Going Virtual Student Onboarding Tips & Tricks
- In-classroom technology tools – MSU classrooms contain a range of technology equipment to facilitate face-to-face and hybrid learning opportunities
- iThenticate – iThenticate is an originality checking tool for scholarly publications, grant applications, and theses. This tool helps manuscript authors self-evaluate research and grant drafts prior to submission. iThenticate is available to MSU faculty, staff, and graduate students who request access.
- Kaltura MediaSpace – MediaSpace allows you to host, share, and control access to video content, add interactive questions, caption your videos and more.
- You can store all videos and audio that you make at MediaSpace, MSU’s version of YouTube.
- Once videos are uploaded, you can add them to your D2L course.
- Kaltura MediaSpace Room Recorder (selected rooms) – MediaSpace Room Recorder is a lecture capture system that allows teachers and instructors to record their lectures using the built-in capabilities of classrooms throughout campus.
- Kaltura CaptureSpace – a personal capture tool that runs natively on PCs and Macs. The tool can be used for lecture capture and allows you to capture PowerPoint presentations and make screen recordings, webcam recordings, or just voice recordings.
- Microsoft 365 Suite – is a suite of Microsoft Office software customized and configured for MSU’s unique environment. Spartan 365 offers robust features, a secure, collaborative environment, and the ability to use on multiple devices.
- Microsoft Teams – Teams is the chat-based workspace tool that allows you to manage all of your conversations, files, and tools in one team workspace. This tool can be used across multiple devices.
- PackBack – PackBack is an AI-enabled online discussion tool that encourages inquiry-based and curiosity-driven community building and critical exploration in courses ranging from small enrollments to large.
- Qualtrics – Qualtrics is a powerful survey and experience assessment platform.
- Respondus Exam Authoring – MSU has a campus-wide subscription to Respondus 4.0 Exam Authoring, a Windows-based exam management/authoring tool that can be used with D2L to provide additional features for creating and managing online quizzes.
- Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser – If you determine that remote proctoring is required to assess student learning in your course, the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor tools provide a method for securing online exams.
- Snagit – TechSmith Snagit allows faculty, staff and students to create beautiful documentation, images, screen captures, diagrams, and other media that can be used along with D2L.
- or
- Snagit allows you to capture screenshots, record short videos via capture or webcam, and edit content to help enhance your course.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2020.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.
- Spartan Ally – Spartan Ally is a built-in accessibility tool that works to analyze your D2L content and provide suggestions about how you can make it more accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
- Turnitin – is an optional resource toolset that faculty and instructors can use within D2L to assist students in the continued development of their writing skills in the online environment.
- Virtual Desktop –The service gives authorized students, faculty, and staff access to licensed university software and applications through an online portal.
- Zoom: Conference via video.
- Zoom allows you to video conference with up to 300 students at a time by logging into
- You can use Zoom to host a virtual class, share your screen to give a lecture and to record the lecture for future viewing.
- For large classes, MSU has purchased the webinar version that allows you to have up to 500 people in the session.
- Zoom meetings scheduled after April 1, 2020 will require passwords to enter meeting rooms.
- These passwords can be created and modified by meeting creators using the following instructions:
To improve the quality of your Zoom sessions, consider the following best practices:
- Sit in a quiet space
- Use an external mic (like a headset, headphones with mic or USB mic)
- Have your audio muted if you are not speaking
- Adjust your default settings so that participants begin with their mics muted
The following videos and tutorials provide further guidance for getting started with Zoom:
- Best Practices for Hosting a Digital Event
- Setting up a Zoom meeting
- Creating and editing Zoom passwords
- Creating a Zoom Webinar
- Presenting in PowerPoint during Zoom Webinar
- Creating Breakout Rooms
- How to Enable and Create Polls in Zoom Webinar
- Creating a Module in D2L and adding a Virtual Class Zoom Webinar Link
- Tools and Technology course– For more information and training, please refer to theTools and Technology Training course on D2L.
- CATME – The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) is a web-based program designed for use in higher education to promote SMARTER Teamwork among teams.
- Enter your institution as Michigan State University
- Crowdmark – Crowdmark is an online collaborative grading platform that allows for grading of a number of different assessment types, integrates with D2L, and provides robust analytics.
- Digital Desk – Instructors can use the DigitalDesk assessment system for grade-keeping, test and item analysis, and feedback to students. MSU funds DigitalDesk services for MSU courses.
Gradescope– Design and deliver assessments via the Gradescope D2L integration. Gradescope allows for the creation of problems and problem sets, projects, worksheets, quizzes, exams, and more.
- iClicker Cloud / iClicker Student – iClicker Student and iClicker Cloud allow students to participate in both live and asynchronous student response polling using a mobile device, tablet, or laptop. iClicker Student and Cloud work in both classrooms and virtual spaces.
- NOTE: When configuring iClicker Cloud or iClicker Student, you must use “Michigan State University” for institution to avoid being charged.
- Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker Cloud
- Using iClicker for Remote Instruction
- Going Virtual Student Onboarding Tips & Tricks
- iThenticate – is an originality checking tool for scholarly publications, grant applications, and theses. This tool helps manuscript authors self-evaluate research and grant drafts prior to submission. iThenticate is available to MSU faculty, staff, and graduate students who request access.
- Qualtrics – Qualtrics is a powerful survey and experience assessment platform.
- Turnitin – is an optional resource toolset that faculty and instructors can use within D2L to assist students in the continued development of their writing skills in the online environment.
Humanize and Engage
- Camtasia – Camtasia provides faculty with the ability to create, edit, and upload their screen recordings or presentations. This helps students navigate their online courses, provide assignment feedback, and more.
- or
- Camtasia allows you to capture your screen as a recorded video, edit your captured videos, and create quizzes for your classes.
- Camtasia is ideal for capturing your lectures when teaching online, as it allows students to access content and review it as they need.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2022.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.
- CATME – The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) is a web-based program designed for use in higher education to promote SMARTER Teamwork among teams.
- Enter your institution as Michigan State University
- Eli Review – Evidence-based writing instruction platform that facilitates peer review and revision based on faculty-configured assignments.
- iClicker Cloud / iClicker Reef – iClicker Reef and iClicker Cloud allow students to participate in both live and asynchronous student response polling using a mobile device, tablet, or laptop. iClicker Reef and Cloud work in both classrooms and virtual spaces.
- NOTE: When configuring iClicker Cloud or iClicker Reef, you must use “Michigan State University” for institution to avoid being charged.
- Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker Cloud
- Using iClicker for Remote Instruction
- Going Virtual Student Onboarding Tips & Tricks
- Kaltura MediaSpace – MediaSpace allows you to host, share, and control access to video content, add interactive questions, caption your videos and more.
- You can store all videos and audio that you make at MediaSpace, MSU’s version of YouTube.
- Once videos are uploaded, you can add them to your D2L course.
- Kaltura MediaSpace Room Recorder (selected rooms) –
- Kaltura CaptureSpace – a personal capture tool that runs natively on PCs and Macs. The tool can be used for lecture capture and allows you to capture PowerPoint presentations and make screen recordings, webcam recordings, or just voice recordings.
- Microsoft Teams – Teams is the chat-based workspace tool that allows you to manage all of your conversations, files, and tools in one team workspace. This tool can be used across multiple devices.
- PackBack – PackBack is an AI-enabled online discussion tool that encourages inquiry-based and curiosity-driven community building and critical exploration in courses ranging from small enrollments to large.
- Snagit – TechSmith Snagit allows faculty, staff and students to create beautiful documentation, images, screen captures, diagrams, and other media that can be used along with D2L.
- or
- Snagit allows you to capture screenshots, record short videos via capture or webcam, and edit content to help enhance your course.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2022.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.
- Spartan Ally – Spartan Ally is a built-in accessibility tool that works to analyze your D2L content and provide suggestions about how you can make it more accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
- Virtual Desktop –The service gives authorized students, faculty, and staff access to licensed university software and applications through an online portal.
- Zoom: Conference via video.
- Zoom allows you to video conference with up to 300 students at a time by logging into
- You can use Zoom to host a virtual class, share your screen to give a lecture and to record the lecture for future viewing.
- For large classes, MSU has purchased the webinar version that allows you to have up to 500 people in the session.
- Zoom meetings scheduled after April 1, 2020 will require passwords to enter meeting rooms.
- These passwords can be created and modified by meeting creators using the following instructions:
To improve the quality of your Zoom sessions, consider the following best practices:
- Sit in a quiet space
- Use an external mic (like a headset, headphones with mic or USB mic)
- Have your audio muted if you are not speaking
- Adjust your default settings so that participants begin with their mics muted
The following videos and tutorials provide further guidance for getting started with Zoom:
- Best Practices for Hosting a Digital Event
- Setting up a Zoom meeting
- Creating and editing Zoom passwords
- Creating a Zoom Webinar
- Presenting in PowerPoint during Zoom Webinar
- Creating Breakout Rooms
- How to Enable and Create Polls in Zoom Webinar
- Creating a Module in D2L and adding a Virtual Class Zoom Webinar Link
- Zoom Webinar – Zoom webinar allows you to broadcast information, facilitate question and answer sessions, allow or disallow participant chat
Organize and Deliver
- Desire2Learn – Desire2Learn is the centrally supported campus learning management system. You can teach online courses and workshops, set up communities and workgroups, facilitate discussion, and more.
- Google Classroom – Create and collect assignments. Collaborate on discussion boards. Also includes Drive folders for each assignment.
- Google Drive – Store, create, and share files, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Collaborate in real time.
- Google Sites
- Gradescope– Design and deliver assessments via the Gradescope D2L integration. Gradescope allows for the creation of problems and problem sets, projects, worksheets, quizzes, exams, and more.
- Kaltura MediaSpace – MediaSpace allows you to host, share, and control access to video content, add interactive questions, caption your videos and more.
- Microsoft 365 Suite – is a suite of Microsoft Office software customized and configured for MSU’s unique environment. Spartan 365 offers robust features, a secure, collaborative environment, and the ability to use on multiple devices.
- Microsoft Teams – Teams is the chat-based workspace tool that allows you to manage all of your conversations, files, and tools in one team workspace. This tool can be used across multiple devices.
- Qualtrics – Qualtrics is a powerful survey and experience assessment platform.
Create and Design
- Camtasia – Camtasia provides faculty with the ability to create, edit, and upload their screen recordings or presentations. This helps students navigate their online courses, provide assignment feedback, and more.
- or
- Camtasia allows you to capture your screen as a recorded video, edit your captured videos, and create quizzes for your classes.
- Camtasia is ideal for capturing your lectures when teaching online, as it allows students to access content and review it as they need.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2022.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.
- Desire2Learn – Desire2Learn is the centrally supported campus learning management system. You can teach online courses and workshops, set up communities and workgroups, facilitate discussion, and more.
- Google Classroom – Create and collect assignments. Collaborate on discussion boards. Also includes Drive folders for each assignment.
- Google Drive – Store, create, and share files, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Collaborate in real time.
- Google Sites
- Kaltura MediaSpace – MediaSpace allows you to host, share, and control access to video content, add interactive questions, caption your videos and more.
- You can store all videos and audio that you make at MediaSpace, MSU’s version of YouTube.
- Once videos are uploaded, you can add them to your D2L course.
- Kaltura MediaSpace Room Recorder (selected rooms) –
- Kaltura CaptureSpace – a personal capture tool that runs natively on PCs and Macs. The tool can be used for lecture capture and allows you to capture PowerPoint presentations and make screen recordings, webcam recordings, or just voice recordings.
- Microsoft 365 Suite – is a suite of Microsoft Office software customized and configured for MSU’s unique environment. Spartan 365 offers robust features, a secure, collaborative environment, and the ability to use on multiple devices.
- Snagit – TechSmith Snagit allows faculty, staff and students to create beautiful documentation, images, screen captures, diagrams, and other media that can be used along with D2L.
- or
- Snagit allows you to capture screenshots, record short videos via capture or webcam, and edit content to help enhance your course.
- MSU has an agreement to provide teaching staff with a license for this service through June 2022.
- To access the software, please go to or the Camtasia and Snagit Access Community in D2L.