Training | Michigan State University (2024)

D2L Help

In this section:

  1. Student - D2L Training Course
  2. Student - MSU Tools and Technologies
  3. Instructor - D2L Self-directed Training Resources
  4. Faculty and Staff - MSU Tools and Technologies
  5. Instructor - Spartan Ally
  6. Instructor - MSU Online Assessment Training
  7. Faculty and Staff - D2L HTML Content Templates
  8. In-Person and Synchronous Online Training
  9. Self-Registration Courses on D2L
  10. D2L Brightspace Community

Student - D2L Training Course

The student D2L training course, Students - Getting Started with D2L, contains documentation and video tutorials covering the most commonly used features of the D2L Brightspace Learning Environment, as well as success tips and practice activities to complete. Each module is broken into topics designed to help students become proficient with the basics of using a learning management system. A certificate of completion is earned after meeting the minimum criteria. This free training is a valuable learning resource for students, as well as faculty and staff.

You can self-enroll by using the following link: (Guest accounts see note below*)

  • D2L Course Self-Enrollment:2024 Students - Getting Started with D2L(runs 12/19/23 to 1/31/25)

After enrolling, the course will show up in your My Courses list when you log

A new course is created every year around December 20.

*Note:Guest Accounts are currently unable to use the self-enrollment link. If you have a guest account, you can request enrollment through this form,Guest Account enrollment for the 2024 Student D2L Training.

Contact the MSU IT Service Desk for support.

Student - MSU Tools and Technologies

This course will guide you through the basics of many of the core technologies available to MSU students. The course will be periodically updated with more helpful information, so check back regularly!

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page:Students - MSU Tools and Technologies

After enrolling, click on the Course home page. Pin the course to access it from your My Courses list.

Instructor - D2L Self-directed Training Resources

The Instructor - D2L Self-directed Training site contains video tutorials covering the most commonly used aspects of the Learning Environment. Each module is broken into a series of short video tutorials and other helpful resources by topic.

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page: Instructor -D2L Self-directed Training

The Instructor D2L self-directed training is a resource library with hundreds of video tutorials and resources from beginning to advanced. If you are just starting out, consider going through the Student D2L course first. Also, see the suggested learning paths and training webinars listed in the site.

Faculty and Staff - MSU Tools and Technologies

The MSU Tools and Technologies course contains video introductions and brief tutorials covering the most commonly used aspects of our core MSU educational technology tools. Our core tools are defined as those that are available for free to use for both faculty and students. Each module is broken into a carefully curated selection of introductory material, vendor documentation, and more. This course will be frequently updated with use cases, case studies, and more, so check back regularly!

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page:MSU Tools and Technologies course (faculty and staff)

Note: The D2L module has recorded webinars for everything you need to get started with D2L basics, assessments, and gradebook.

Instructor - Spartan Ally

Spartan Ally is integrated into D2L and helps make digital course content more accessible. It provides instructors with tools to gauge and improve course content accessibility, students with accessible alternative formats, and administration with insight into the institutions overall progress toward a more inclusive learning environment.

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page:Spartan Ally

Group training sessions can be requested through the MSU IT Service Desk.

Instructor - MSU Online Assessment Training

This course for instructors was developed during Summer 2020 with the big push toward remote learning. There are two approaches to discuss handling online assessments. The second approach contains a series of D2L Quiz Creation Tutorials that faculty and staff may want to review for understanding D2L assessments.

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page:MSU Online Assessment Training

• Enter the course and navigate to Content > Approach 2: Exam Design > Test structure > D2L Quiz Creation Tutorials.

D2L HTML Content Templates (for Course Editors)

See the resources in this self-enroll course for improving the look and feel of HTML pages in a D2L course.

You can self-enroll or unenroll from the course by using the following link:

  • D2L Course Self Enrollment page:HTML Content Templates

This course contains all three versions of the Brightspace Templates for download. Follow the instructions by using the guides in each module. The most recent Spartanized V3 version is recommended for faculty and staff who are comfortable with using technology.

In-Person, synchronous virtual training, and past recordings

Upcoming Virtual Trainings:

Past Recordings:

Self-Registration Courses on D2L

There may be other courses of interest for faculty and staff on the D2L Self Registration page.

Quick steps:
  1. Faculty, students, and staff log into D2L (some logins do not have access to self-registration).
  2. On the My Home page, click the Self Registration link.
  3. Select the desired course under the Course Offering Name.
  4. Click Register.
  5. Verify your information and click Submit.
  6. Click Finish to complete the process.
  7. Access the course from your list in My Courses, or from the Course Selector icon.

D2L Brightspace Community

The D2L Brightspace Community is a free resource designed to promote collaboration among all D2L clients who wish to share online strategies, best practices, and showcase some of the best ways organizations are utilizing the Learning Environment. The site also provides just-in-time training tips, quick refreshers on how to effectively use tools, additional resources and learning aids.

Request an account fromSign in/Registerusing your email.

See the following for D2L Brightspace Webinars:

For support, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk.

Training | Michigan State University (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.