Using Vue.js event emitters to modify component data - LogRocket Blog (2024)

​​Editor’s note: This article was updated on 4 April 2022 to demonstrate modifying component data using Vue.js v.3 and Composition API.

Using Vue.js event emitters to modify component data - LogRocket Blog (1)

This article will demonstrate how data and its state can be passed from a child component to its parent component in Vue.js using event emitters. We’ll start with a review of passing data through components, and then we’ll jump into our demo. Our demo will cover the following:

  • Setting the emitter
  • Listening to the emitted event
  • Updating the data value

Before you start…

This post is suited for developers of all stages, including beginners. Here are a few things you should already have before going through this article:

  • Node.js version 10.x and above installed. You can verify whether you have this in place with the following command:
    node -v
  • A code editor — I highly recommend VS Code
  • Vue’s latest version, installed globally on your machine
  • Vue CLI 3.0, installed on your machine

If you don’t have Vue CLI already on your machine, install it with the following command:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Next, create a new project, event-emitters, like so:

vue create event-emitters

Make sure to select Vue 3 when creating the app.

Then, cd into the app folder and kickstart the app using:

cd event-emitters
npm run serve

In this article, we’ll be using Composition API to demonstrate how to emit data to parent components through events. This allows us to pass certain data to the parent component when triggered by an event, such as onClick or keyup.

Passing data through components

To pass data values from parent components (like the app.vue) to child components (like nested components) inside the app component, Vue.js provides us with a platform called props. Props are custom attributes that we can register on a component. With props, we can define data in the parent component, give it a value, and then pass the value to a prop attribute that can then be referenced down in the child components.

This post will demonstrate the reverse of this process. In this tutorial, we’ll update data values in a parent component from the child component. We’ll use the emit construct to handle event emission and updating of data.

Demo: passing data from child component to parent component

We’ll walk through the process of emitting events from a child component, setting up listening on the parent component in order to pass data from the child component, and then finally updating the data value.

Getting started

In the folder, you will find two components: parentComponent.vue and childComponent.vue, with the root component being the app.vue file. Your childComponent.vue file should look like this:

<template> <input v-model="inputValue" @keyup="inputChange"/></template><script>import {ref} from "vue"export default { name: "ChildComponent", setup(props, context) { const inputValue = ref("") const inputChange = ()=> { context.emit("newValue", inputValue.value); }; return { inputChange, inputValue }; }, emits:["newValue"]};</script>

Setting the emitter

For this demo, we want to pass on the child component behavior to the parent component so that on click, every title nested in the parent component changes.

To do this, we need to create an emitter that will emit an event in the child component that the parent component can listen to and react. This is the same as event listener logic for components.

We have an input element that’s binded to inputValue. Next, we use the @keyup event to trigger our inputChange function. We use this function to emit our input value in real time using inputValue. To do this, we pass context into our setup and emit the data as follows:

context.emit("newValue", inputValue.value);

By doing this, we name the event newValue and add it to our emits array:


Now, we can pass the input value to the parent component on keyup using newValue.

Listening to the emitted event

The next thing to do after an event is created is to listen to it and respond.

Let’s go to your parentComponent.vue file. It should look like this:

<template> <div> <h3>Input: {{ title }}</h3> <child-component @newValue="changeTitle" /> </div></template><script>import ChildComponent from "./childComponent.vue";import {ref} from "vue"export default { name: "ParentComponent", components: { ChildComponent }, setup() { const title = ref(""); const changeTitle = (newTitle) => { console.log("fire") title.value = newTitle; }; return { title, changeTitle }; },};</script>

In the above code, we import our child-component into our parent component.

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Then, we add @newValue="changeTitle" to tell the component to listen to changes on the child and trigger our changeTitle with the new data.

Updating the data value

Next, we declare title using ref and assign the new child input data to title as the user types:

const title = ref("");const changeTitle = (newTitle) => { console.log("fire") title.value = newTitle; };

Finally, we display the user input in the parent component using title.

<h3>Input: {{ title }}</h3>

It’s important to note that as data passes through the emitter to the parent component, the data in any components nested in the parent component also re-renders and updates.

If you followed this post from the start, you can download or clone the demo project in VS Code. The demo of the finished project is shown below:

Using Vue.js event emitters to modify component data - LogRocket Blog (4)


Hopefully, this article introduced you to another interesting side of using events in Vue with emitters: creating an event in one component and listening to and also reacting to it in another component. This can have many use cases that will be really beneficial in your workflow. Happy coding!

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Using Vue.js event emitters to modify component data - LogRocket Blog (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.